Bungie Sues Over Destiny 2 YouTube Video Takedowns That It Didn't Request

Several Destiny 2 YouTubers–and Bungie itself–were hit with copyright takedown notices earlier this month, targeting videos that analyzed and discussed the game. Bungie explained that fake Google accounts impersonating it were responsible, with those bad actors abusing YouTube’s copyright takedown system to target high-profile creators and the studio. Not content with just putting a stop to the takedown spree, Bungie is now going after the alleged culprits and plans to sue them. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

According to a new lawsuit filed on March 25 and spotted by TorrentFreak, Bungie has identified up to 10 people who are allegedly responsible for using fraudulent DMCA takedown which disrupted Bungie’s player community and streamers and caused Bungie itself “nearly incalculable damage.”

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